
By Jonathan Fiala

Health Consequences
Legal Consequences
Reference Page

Every day, 1,300 people die from smoking. Logically, this means that around 1,300 people pick up smoking every single day.
I hope that, by putting up this website, I can help take at least one person out of that statistic.

It would be wise to start with tobacco, and the most important thing to say about tobacco, is that even if you are vaping or smoking a hookah, you are still suffering the consequences of smoking. Smoking can lead to poor lung health, and a dependency on the cigarettes. If you need to buy a 5$ pack of cigarettes every single day, you waste 180$ of your paycheck every month on purely cigarettes.

Another problematic form of smoking is marijuana. While it is, in the short term more healthy than tobacco, it can cause just as much dependency, and you may be unable to think normally for an extended period of time, which can seriously interfere with your schoolwork.

The long term consequences of Tobacco are terrible; almost unbreakable dependency, cancer anywhere in your body, possibly make you infertile, cause every organ in your body to degrade faster, and even cause a heart attack or stroke.

While the long term consequences of Marijuana are certainly less severe, they are still very serious. You may suffer brain damage, have dysfunctional lungs, and you may not be able to go days without being high.

This is, of course, without even mentioning the legal consequences of an underage kid caught with Tobacco; they could be fined a very large amount, enough to tear apart financially struggling families.

The consequences of being caught with Marijuana are even worse. Even if you are in a state where it is legal, if you are a minor, you could be charged with drug possession. This could cause a long period of incarceration.

In conclusion, both of these drugs are very dangerous and should be avoided. If we can just prevent more people from starting to smoke each day, we could reduce the number of people who die from smoking each day.

Reference Page

Tobacco Health Consequences
Marijuana Health Consequences
Tobacco Legal Consequences
Marijuana Legal Consequences
Tobacco Statistics
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